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Child safeguarding

Oak Foundation strives to prevent abuse and promote the safety, protection, wellbeing, and development of children. We are committed to putting these principles into practice.

For more information about child safeguarding at Oak, please watch our video.

Oak Foundation strives to prevent abuse and promote the safety, protection, wellbeing, and development of children. We are committed to putting these principles into practice. We have done this by developing our own child safeguarding policy that applies to all Oak Foundation staff, consultants, contractors, and volunteers.

We also ask our grantee partners to adhere to the same safeguarding standards that we set for ourselves. Oak Foundation’s child safeguarding standards consist of five building blocks that together create a safer organisational environment for children.

For more information about child safeguarding at Oak, please read our Child Safeguarding Policy.

Child Safeguarding / Policy

Child Safeguarding Policy

The child safeguarding policy helps us lay down standards of conduct and behaviour, provides a clear overview of what is acceptable and not, and gives instructions in cases of violations. Discover what this policy entails by reading the following document.

Discover our resources

    Child Safeguarding / Partner story

    Safety first: How Hill Learning Center made child safeguarding a priority

    Due to the direct nature of its work with children, the Hill Learning Center has always been conscious of and informed about the importance of implementing child safeguarding measures. Nevertheless, t…

    Child Safeguarding / Blog

    Safeguarding as a culture: the story of Heartlines

    What does child safeguarding mean for a media organisation with little direct contact with children? That was the question that Heartlines, a social impact organisation in South Africa contemplated du…

    Child Safeguarding / Article

    Leading by example: When funders take on safeguarding

    Oak offered the Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund safeguarding support from Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC) Uganda. IIDC provides capacity-strengthening services – in…

    Child Safeguarding / Policy

    Review of Oak Foundation’s learning on child safeguarding

    In 2013, Oak developed a Child Safeguarding Policy, stemming from its commitment to help build a world where every child is protected from all forms of abuse. To this end, Oak established an internal…

    Child Safeguarding / Policy

    Child safeguarding self-audit moves online

    Every year, we ask our grantee partners who come into contact with or have access to children to undergo a child safeguarding self-audit process. This is because we believe that safeguarding children…

Would you like to discover more resources? Please visit our “Stories” page.

Do you have questions?

We have added the most frequent questions to our Q&A document.

Child Safeguarding / Q&A

Child Safeguarding Q&A

Frequently asked questions In this document we have consolidated frequently asked questions in relation to child safeguarding. If you are a partner of Oak Foundation and your question is not listed below, please get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.