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Oak Foundation Denmark

Contributing to efforts that help people reach their full potential, be safe and healthy, and have a place to live

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    How a Danish food initiative is transforming lives

    Junkfood provides warm, nutritious meals to people experiencing homelessness in Copenhagen. 

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Inspiring a new generation of artists in South Greenland

    Along Greenland’s southern coast, efforts to engage and inspire young people to explore their creativity, learn new technical skills, paint murals that visually improve their communities, and create links with the wider world, are ongoing. 

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Helping people live well and thrive in Denmark through healthcare support 

    Red Cross clinics across Denmark provide basic healthcare services, free of charge, to anyone unable to access the public health system. Today, the clinics have grown to help thousands of people each year. 

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    100 years of support for Denmark’s parents and children

    In towns and cities across Denmark, families have somewhere to turn if they need a helping hand. Whether they need the friendship of coffee mornings and playtime, or advice on seeking counselling, Mothers’ Aid (Mødrehjælpen in Danish) is there for 

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Muhabet – serving 38,000 meals each year

    “In Muhabet, I experienced respect and equality. I was not looked down on. I was still good enough.” One of the largest community outreach organisations in Copenhagen, Muhabet hosts 38,000 meals a year and are open to all refugees and immigrants. 


We need communities that work for everyone, where the roadmap to opportunity and systems that protect people are clear and available to all. Therefore, we provide support to organisations in Denmark that provide innovative solutions to improve the lives of socially vulnerable and marginalised groups at the community level. As well as supporting not-for-profit organisations in Denmark, we also support organisations in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Read more below.

For information about our programme in Danish, please visit our local website.

Esther Nørregård-Nielsen, Director of Oak Foundation Denmark, gives an overview of the programme’s work.

Our programme grant-making in 2024

We made 16 grants totalling USD 5.6 million

Our strategy

We partner with foundations and organisations that have a direct impact on people’s lives. We understand that social change takes time and is not a linear process. We believe that we can achieve social change by supporting broad, professional, holistic, and innovative approaches that tackle issues at the root.

To this end, most of our grant-making includes support for strategies and approaches that address challenges at community level. We also contribute to strengthening or building organisational capacity. We provide funding to both large and grassroots organisations.

Our funding principles

We support organisations that:

Work to solve family violence by providing shelters for families, and preventing stalking and violence.

Empower women by creating jobs and financial self-sufficiency, and assisting victims of trafficking and sex-workers.

Help vulnerable and homeless people, as well as those who are at risk of homelessness, by providing direct support (e.g., food and dental care) and implementing programmes that prevent homelessness.

Assist migrants to access their rights, including healthcare and housing.

Work in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by addressing poverty and inequality, strengthening peace efforts, justice, and strong institutions, and supporting efforts to promote health, wellbeing, and education.

Where we fund

Oak Foundation Denmark supports projects in Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.

Discover our partner stories

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    How a Danish food initiative is transforming lives

    Junkfood provides warm, nutritious meals to people experiencing homelessness in Copenhagen….

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Inspiring a new generation of artists in South Greenland

    Along Greenland’s southern coast, efforts to engage and inspire young people to explore their creativity, learn new technical skills, paint murals that visually improve their communities, and create…

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Supporting children seeking asylum in Denmark

    Vores Asylbørn works to improve the wellbeing of asylum-seeking children by providing them and their close family with legal and psychosocial support….

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Helping people live well and thrive in Denmark through healthcare support 

    Red Cross clinics across Denmark provide basic healthcare services, free of charge, to anyone unable to access the public health system. Today, the clinics have grown to help thousands of people each…

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    100 years of support for Denmark’s parents and children

    In towns and cities across Denmark, families have somewhere to turn if they need a helping hand. Whether they need the friendship of coffee mornings and playtime, or advice on seeking counselling, Mot…

    Oak Foundation Denmark / Partner story

    Building the future in Greenland

    Thanks to the Siu-Tsiu project and all the young people involved, the remote town of Tasiilaq, Greenland – where the growing season is virtually non-existent – can now grow kale, onions, and turnips,…

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