15 June, 2017
Everyman Project – supporting men in the UK who want to stop violent behaviour
Partner story
Photo by Toa Heftiba Şinca on Pexels
Some 1.03 million domestic abuse-related incidents were recorded by the police in the United Kingdom in the year ending March 2016. Following investigations, the police concluded that a domestic abuse-related criminal offence was committed in approximately 41 per cents of these incidents. One of the least reported violent crimes, domestic violence can lead to homelessness, severe injury or death. [1]
Everyman Project is one of only a handful of organisations working to address the root causes of domestic violence and abuse.
“Anger and violence are a major contribution to the suffering we all experience in society every day, it’s everywhere. We have to work towards helping people change their behaviour. This is what we try to do with the Everyman Project.”
– Raymond Stone, Project Coordinator at Everyman Project
Everyman Project runs two main programmes: a counselling programme for men; and a partner support service. The seven-month counselling programme is designed to challenge and support men to stop their violent and/or abusive behaviour. There is also a support programme for the men’s partners to help them and their children keep safe and to ensure that they are empowered to make informed choices. The Counselling Programme for Men and the Partner Support Service at Everyman Project are confidential and voluntary. The Counselling Programme for Men is delivered mainly by volunteer counsellors who adhere to the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy’s Ethical Framework for Counselling.
“[Men who participate in the Programme] become less violent, more integrated
– Raymond Stone, Project Coordinator at Everyman Project
Photo: © Everyman Project
For more information about the Everyman Project, visit its website or take a look at this video which explains more about the work of the project and its success.
This work falls under Oak’s Issues Affecting Women Programme, which envisions a world where women have the rights, capacity and opportunity to live their lives free from violence and enjoy their full and equal human rights. Find out more here.
[1] https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bull…