23 January, 2025
Community cohesion: a driver for child safety and survival
Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Programme / Partner story
Image © Bantwana Initiative Uganda
Bantwana Initiative Uganda is transforming child abuse prevention strategies by using holistic and community-based approaches. Although the prevalence of child abuse remains high in Uganda, with 1 in 3 children experiencing some form of violence before the age of 18, Bantwana works to reduce these numbers and improve child safety through the Safety at All time For Every child (SAFE) programme.[i]
The SAFE programme works with communities to create safe and nurturing environments for children. It engages children, teachers/caregivers, and government officials to build children’s skills to speak out against violence, promote protective caregiving relationships, and strengthen government structures to prevent and respond to abuse.
A key component of the SAFE programme is Positive Parenting Trainings, which focus on building the skills and confidence of parents. The trainings promote family-based practices that protect against sexual violence, reduce economic stress, improve relationships between children and caregivers, and increase knowledge of referral services available in the community. Through ten sessions, parents learn practical skills such as budgeting and establishing rules and routines, as well as interpersonal skills such as anger management and conflict resolution.
“The Bantwana programme interventions have been a game-changer for our family,” says one parent who participated in the programme. “The parenting workshops taught us how to communicate better with our children, and I’ve noticed a positive change in my daughter’s behaviour. We’re more connected now than ever before.”[ii]
After completing the training, caregivers are encouraged to join Positive Parenting Groups, which seek to foster group cohesion and empower caregivers. The groups provide space for reflection, identifying risk factors for child abuse, and finding solutions for challenges in the household or community, which creates safer environments for children.
Empowering families, protecting children
Bantwana also facilitates Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), allowing caregivers to save and borrow money, which ensures that basic needs are met and allows parents to be more involved with their children. This financial empowerment alleviates pressures that could otherwise make children vulnerable to abuse, risky sexual behaviour, or transactional sexual activity. When families face financial hardship, children may be left without access to essential services, and be placed in risky situations, such as dropping out of school or being left unsupervised while caregivers search for work. By participating in VSLAs, parents can be more present in their children’s lives, creating safer and more stable environments where children are less likely to be exposed to situations of abuse.

To date, 2,108 caregivers have saved and shared approximately USD 59,500.[iii] The Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) fund, which caregivers contribute to, provided USD 6,089 to directly benefit 674 children. Of these children, 71 per cent received scholastic support, 27 per cent received medical support and 2 per cent received nutrition support.[iv]
The bigger picture
By addressing underlying risk factors of child sexual abuse, such as financial instability, the SAFE programme can mobilise entire communities to promote child safety and create multiple pathways for children to seek support.
“Bantwana’s interventions have brought our community closer together. Through their support, we’ve been able to address critical issues like child protection and education,” says a teacher who had participated in Bantwana’s programming.[v]
The road ahead for the SAFE programme is paved with the ambition of scaling up its impact through a district-led approach that embeds the programme’s principles within local governance structures.
Oak supports Bantwana Initiative Uganda through the Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (PCSA) programme, and within that our priority funding area of solutions & research, that supports efforts to build the evidence base for effective and scalable solutions.
[i] Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and ICF International. (2018). Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016. [online] Available at: https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR333/FR333.pdf (Accessed 16 Oct. 2024)
[ii] Bantwana Initiative Uganda. (n.d.) Bantwana Initiative Uganda. [online] Available at: https://www.bantwana.or.ug/ (Accessed 16 Oct. 2024)
[iii] Technical Brief: Leveraging on Group Cohesion to Foster Encoming Through Village Savings and Loans Associations (n.d). Bantwana Initiative Uganda. https://bantwana.or.ug/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Technical-brief-VSLA.pdf
[iv] Technical Brief: Leveraging on Group Cohesion to Foster Encoming Through Village Savings and Loans Associations (n.d). Bantwana Initiative Uganda. https://bantwana.or.ug/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Technical-brief-VSLA.pdf
[v] Bantwana Initiative Uganda. (n.d.) Bantwana Initiative Uganda. [online] Available at: https://www.bantwana.or.ug/ (Accessed 16 Oct. 2024)