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A voice for wildlife in North Carolina

Special Interest Programme / Partner story

Image © North Carolina Wildlife Federation

Across North Carolina, a vast new highway is taking shape. But this one doesn’t involve bulldozers or miles of asphalt. From pollinator pitstops in families’ backyards to largescale roadside habitat restoration, the Butterfly Highway is a growing network of native flowering plants supporting pollinators across the state.

As encroaching scrub and invasive species give way to native plants like Blazing Star and Purple Coneflower, populations of butterflies, bees, and birds will thrive. By September 2023, the Highway had registered its 3,000th site.

This is just one of the projects from the North Carolina Wildlife Federation (NCWF). This not-for-profit organisation works to protect, conserve, and restore North Carolina wildlife and habitats for all. From the mountains to the coast, it helps native species return to the landscape. This includes protecting the only wild population of red wolves in the world.

“North Carolina is one of the fastest growing states in the US, and as a result, habitat is being eaten up by construction,” says Kate Griner, VP of Philanthropy. “NCWF has been addressing this problem head-on since 1945, as the voice for wildlife in the state. But conservation doesn’t happen through one organisation alone – it takes a lot of hands and a lot of partners coming together.”

Community Wildlife Chapters are a great example of these partnerships, empowered by NCWF to run their own nature programmes, field trips, and community wildlife projects. In fact, the NCWF spirit is characterised by community and inclusion, in the belief that everyone has a role to play in protecting and conserving wildlife – including hunters, anglers, outdoor enthusiasts, or members of government and industry. Everyone who values wildlife and wild places is welcome.

“We’re a strong advocate for conservation policies that benefit the future of our state’s wonderful wildlife resources,” says Manley Fuller, VP of Conservation Policy at NCWF.

“We remind decision-makers of their duties to uphold the laws that protect natural resources for everyone. NCWF shows up everywhere as a voice for wildlife, often behind the scenes, to make significant changes.”

Policy and public affairs teams work at state and federal levels to: give wildlife a seat at the table; develop modern programmes to manage fish and wildlife; and keep climate resilience front-of-mind in every decision made.

With a strong network of support behind it, NCWF is building a brighter future for everyone in North Carolina. As Kate says, “If wildlife have a healthy place to live, then people have a healthy place to live as well.”

Oak supports the North Carolina Wildlife Federation as part of our Special Interest Programme. Watch a great video about their experience below!